ساعات حائط جمله وقطاعي
Forum Master Fon General English Cs5ao-10
ساعات حائط جمله وقطاعي
Forum Master Fon General English Cs5ao-10

ساعات حائط جمله وقطاعي

مريم لساعات الحائط
الرئيسيةForum Master Fon General English I_icon_mini_portalأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

 إعلان & موضوع مثبت 

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
تصلني رسائل كثيرة من طلاب وطالبات كليات الازهر بتفهنا في صندق رسائلي الخاص بالمنتدي
وللاسف لن استطيع الرد علي كل هذا الكم من الرسائل لكثرتها
ولان معظم من يرسلون الرسائل يكونون غير مسجلين في المنتدي
مما يجعل من الصعب علي ادارة المنتدي مراستلهم
وخاصة الطالبات
فارجو من كل من يود الاستفسار عن شيء ان يقوم بالتسجيل في المنتدي حتي نستطيع الرد عليه اذا كان في استطاعتنا تلبية طلبه

من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 3581

جدول الترم التاني الفرقة الخامسة قانون والرابعة قانون والاولي قانون والثالثة شريعة

Forum Master Fon General English 563149_347345575329614_100001625222074_951042_997582580_n
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 1437

هاااااام جدا (مقرر ومحذوف كل المواد منعا للخلاف)
اولا . قانون جنائى القسم الاول
383_الى اخر الكتاب
ثانيا.قانون جنائى القسم الثانى
335_الى اخر الكتاب
ثالثا. قانون دولى خاص (الجنسيه*)
رابعا.قانون دولى خاص (التنازع*)
158_الى اخر الكتاب
خامسا .قانون مدنى
308_320 وهو درس التقادم المكسب
376_389 وهو درس ملحقات الشيى المرهون
408_الى اخر الكتاب
سادسا.الفقه الشافعى
1_الدراسه النصيه فى كتاب قليوبى وعميره الفرقه الرابعه
من (308_309_310) وهو درس...
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 1151

جداول امتحانات كلية الشريعة والقانون لجميع الفرق

Forum Master Fon General English 399152_360084167370918_100001080137098_891076_1552260540_n[img][/img]

Forum Master Fon General English 531411_423939380967476_100000542521359_91556770_927926902_n

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من طرف admin - تعاليق: 2 - مشاهدة: 1876

من موقع الشيخ الدوسري تحميل مباشر
(أَإِلَهٌ مَّعَ اللَّهِ )أجمل مارتل ياسر الدوسري من أسلوبه النادر1424هجري هذه اللحظة قادمة لآمحآلة فأعمل لها ؟! إذا دكت الأرض دكا دكا

Forum Master Fon General English Sound

Forum Master Fon General English Download
Forum Master Fon General English Mobile

من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 1210

حظر نشر أي مواضيع طائفية أو مذهبية .. يرجى الإطلاع
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،،،

قامت إدارة الشبكة بوضع قوانين لتنظيم مهام وعمل سائر المنتديات ومنها المنتدى العام والإسلامي

إلا انه للأسف الشديد لم يلتزم البعض بهذه القوانين خصوصا فيما يتعلق منها بحظر نشر أي مواضيع طائفية أو مذهبية أو

تحرض على العنف والفتنة بين المسلمين أو العرب بكافة مذاهبهم وطوائفهم أو الخروج فيها عن القيم والأخلاق وإطلاق

الإساءات والكلمات التي لا تليق بمسلم أو عربي شريف فضلا عن أنها لا تليق بهذا الصرح الشامخ ومن فيه ورسالته

السامية والهدف الذي أنشئ من اجله.

وبناء عليه وحرصا...
من طرف ماستر2 - تعاليق: 2 - مشاهدة: 1162

Master's degrees Market Research and Marketing has a arrangement of ended 600 old in personnel.
This is lone of the very preeminent specialist training in France.
Through this curriculum, you will master all phases of marketing
investigate, you will accompany brand strategy, you will say to the
development of an effectual mix, and you mark out a categorical plan in
the area of ​​consumer goods. Built in relation to generous
corporations, EDM is based on rising a strong strategic direction...
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 886

Real Madrid's US Tour Photos
watch the photos of the tour of real madrid team in usa this tour is the
last one before the new season begins Mourinho said that he feels at
home in usa los angles

Forum Master Fon General English 283180_381317024952_19034719952_1369544_946776_n

Forum Master Fon General English 261947_381717859952_19034719952_1371367_4387533_n
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 507

this is the link of the argentinian striker sergio aguero account on twitter
aguero have tweeted that he becomes a new player of man city club
and he is very happy to be in manchester
man city will pay 38 millions to atlitco madrid
and the player will get 52 m in 5 years
watch goals for the new star
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 656

What need your hair to be healthy? Exactly the same thing your body
needs for good health: vitamins, trace elements, proteins ... In short,
all that can be found in the foods you eat every day. So why not give
these foods to the care of your hair? Here are some products that will
help you have beautiful hair.

- Apple cider vinegar: Uh ... well yes! We grant you, smell perspective,
it's not really the top. However, you will not find a better product
for your hair to shine a thousand lights. Rinse your hair with vinegar
and you'll never be disappointed....
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 577

The firm has made Google the best search engine today. A giant step
towards the development of the Web, but brings nothing in terms of
money! It's blackjack. The real stroke of genius is the way they have
monetized: AdWords AdSense is his friend!

Google AdWords is built to take advantage of millions of users using
their search engine. It's simple, advertisers set the amount that can
pay for each visit from the Google search engine. Google displays their
ads on its search results pages in the "Sponsored Links" on the right
and above the initial...
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 665

Posted by Boonsri Dickinson

With each 'American Idol' season, without fail, we fall in love with these unknown, small town voices and vote on our favorites. We listen to the judges' critiques, but in the end, we, the viewers, decide who stays in the running, where finalists hope the show will jump-start their careers and commercialize their talent. Covering the past eight seasons, here are the Top 'American Idol' Songs that have dominated the airwaves.


'Over It'
Katharine McPhee

من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 1755

Remeber these five simple rules to be happy:

1-Free your heart from hatred.

2-Free your mind from worries.

3-Live simply.

4-Give more.

5-Excpect less.

No one can go back and make a new start.Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

God didn`t promise days without pain,lauther without sorrow, sun without rain,but God did promise strength for the day,comfort for the tears,and light for the way.

Disapointment are like road humps,they slow you down a bit...
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 584

So many people who want to better myself, but I have no idea how. Many people in the direction of middle-aged wonders why stuck in a dead end job no light at the end of the tunnel. Single parents laugh at the idea of trying to squeeze something else in their hectic schedules. But the question remains, if you do not do something now, when will you be? No? There are many potential regrets involvement in this statement.

Believe it or not, if theylower income bracket, you are in the best position to get paid to go to school. The government will actually give you money to go to school. Ok,...
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 581

The holiday season is upon us, and the spike in online seasonal traffic is set to begin. The holidays definitely aren't the time to set it and forget it; instead, we should capitalize on this time of year by beefing up our keyword lists. Erin ODonnell with Microsoft Advertising gives some helpful tactics for keyword list expansion in Holiday Preparation Series: Travel PPC Insights and Optimization Tips. Adding keywords will not only keep our accounts competitive during this busy time of year, it'll give us the chance to boost ROI as well.

YouTube is a major market for advertising, especially...
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 629

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS or Aids) is a collection of symptoms and infections resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[1] The late stage of the condition leaves individuals prone to opportunistic infections and tumors. Although treatments for AIDS and HIV exist to slow the virus's progression, there is no known cure. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen,...
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 8777

!! Do you want to learn magic!!

Read carefully and well

Steps applied strictly

Concise and easy way .. You need only to apply the following

1 - smiled in the faces of others.

2 - Abdohm peace.

3 - A warm and welcoming them.

4 - except for them and their parents at the separation.

5 - great respect.

6 - small mercy, and above his head.

7 - accept criticism in good faith.

8 - can be lifted your voice in talking and discussions.

9 - acknowledged...
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 779

  1. The name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate Nbde by the opening of the public forum
    And ask God bless us all the best for all of us members and supervisors, observers and visitors
    This forum, based on the desire of one member and wait for suggestions by the seriousness of the work and study
    Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 661

Peace be upon you

Important issue with regard to animals

Western philosophers say that man is an animal and examine the books of the people and strange that it is studying in Egypt and Arab countries ..

The correct report is that philosophers are just animals ..

Animals used for human beings or against it or him .. And Snfeoha as "pets" "aggressive"

Speaking animal
Yes, talking animals and spoken language, which is Idjaz understanding of human beings, but to understand the expressions and the movement...
من طرف admin - تعاليق: 0 - مشاهدة: 706
 الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
عدد المتصفحين الحاليين للمنتدى: لا أحد
المشرفون:لا أحد
صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع وضع مواضيع جديدة في هذا المنتدى
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
افرز آخداً بعين الإعتبار:  
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